Benefits of Detoxing with a Foot Spa:
Reducing stress
Improving sleep quality
Assisting in weight loss
Stimulating and balancing the immune system
Easy to use in the comfort environment - your own home
Increasing your oxygen levels to energize your whole body
Removing toxins and body waste products which supposed to bring health problems
Improving body flexibility and helping sooth arthritis and other aching, painful and inflamed joints.
The Working Procedure of Machine:
Putting the wrist band into your hands; (It's better to wet wrist band before use)
Adding 3-5g salt into water; (Sometimes it is not necessary to add water. Any type,
to aid the conductivity of the water)
Putting arrays into water; (Make sure arrays are covered under water)
Putting your feet in a tub; (Any kind of tub)
Plug in the machine. (Enjoy your detox time!)