Centrifugal degasser, also called atmospheric Degasser is a highly efficient equipment that remove gas from the gas cut mud by accelerating the fluid through a submerged centrifugal pump's impeller. APLCQ300 centrifugal degassers|atmospheric degassers has many advantages although the treating efficiency is practically the same which is above 85%. Normally degasser is installed after shale shaker and widely used in various solids control system, and it is very important for recovering mud weight, stabilize mud viscosity performance, reduce drilling cost.
The design and operation of APLCQ300 centrifugal degassers|atmospheric degassers are simple and effective. Drilling mud falls within the submerged pump of the degasser through spiraled inlets (20"), in a whirling motion. This action, enhanced with an inlet impeller, maintains a void around the shaft that avoids the pump from gas locking. The fluids will stay at a level higher than the gas cut drilling fluid and then a cylindrical liquid layer with inverted cone shape space in the middle will be formed. Drilling fluid is discharged from discharge port along a tangent line. With the impeller rotating, bubble breaks, gas will be extracted from liquid, and finally accumulate in the cone shape space as the lower density. Pressurizing unit(similar to exhaust fan) will suck air through the narrow channel between the air distribution disk and air separation ring into the discharge cone, and then gas manifold, braided hose and pressurized device to pressuring unit, finally discharge the gas out through pressuring device with pressure. The degassed fluid collects at the base of the spray tank and is drawn from the discharge trough to the next pit. The gas escapes through the top of the spray tank and dissipates into the atmosphere.
China Hedele Energy Equipment Co., Ltd
A459a.6 Hairpin M20x73
A459а.39 Main bearing
GB297-84 Bearing 2007934
A459.17 O-ring O-ring
WASH PIPE, ASSY, 4"BORE TDS, 7500 PSIarticle № 30123440. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
O-ring35x3.1 JB / ZQ42 24-97 (Hydraulic Cylinder)
Yx-Sealing ring d40 JB / ZQ42 (Attached hydraulic cylinder)
Square aperture ring 75x6,3 GB / T151 42,4-94 (Hydraulic Cylinder Lift)
Directional ring 75x6,3 GB / T151 42,4-94 (Hydraulic Cylinder)
A459a.22 Lower box collar
A459а.25 M10x9 fixing screw
A459.23 Spacer ring
GB1152-74 Cap oiler M10x1
Repair Kit – Soft Seals, lower for IBOParticle № 30177550-1. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
Jaw 5 (168,28mm) complete with dies Р1700794АА (7326909807)
Jaw 5 1/2 (177.8mm) complete with dies Р1700795АА (7326909807)
A459.24 Spacer ring
A459.26 Spacer ring
A459.27 Drilling mud umbrella
Repair Kit – Soft Seals, upper for IBOParticle № 30177549-1. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
LINER,STABILIZERarticle № 30125012. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
Втулка бимет.d170 GH3161-05.21/3NB-1300F
Jaw 8 (203,0mm) complete with dies Р1700796АА (7326909807)
Jaw 3 1/2 (127mm) complete with dies -7326909807
Jaw 4 1/2 (146mm) complete with dies -7326909807
Втулка бимет.d150 GH3161-05.21/3NB-1300F
Цилиндр в сб. GH3161-05.01.00/3NB-1600F
Filter Elementarticle № 92537-E-216. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
Balloon 1000-21.00.3 RGF
Ballon 800-09.00 RGF
Mudguard 800-04.07 RGF
The cylinder sleeve1300-05.23 / 23B RGF
Ring 1000-05.20 RGF
GB283-81 Bearing 32130
A459a.45A Bottom sleeve
Bushing for air winch XJFH-5/35-2014, load capacity 5 t
Piston ring XJFH-5/35-206-207
Retaining ring1300-03-10 RGF
Bimet.d150 GH3161-05.21 / 3NB-1300F bushing
Piston 170 GH3161-
Valve GH3161-05.11.00 b.nas. Honghua
Bimet.d150 GH3161-05.21 / 3NB-1300F bushing
Sealing ring 800-04.06 RGF
Valve Spring 1000-05.16 RGF
Sealing frame800-03.10 RGF
Seal of the valve cover 1000-05.09 RGF
Clamp assembly800-05.04.00 rgf
Piston rod 1300-05.19.03 RGF
PACKER, RAM, 5 INCHOD PIPE, 13-5 / 8 INCH 3/5 / 10M 644224140001
Packing gland B95x120x12 GB13871-92 GB13871-92
Brake pad YJ3.1-25
Piston ring XJFH-5/35-2016 / 2017
Hose flexible JQH-PUW0805
Gasket XJFH-5/35-2015
ELEMENT, FILTER article No. 30111013-1. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
FILTER, ASSEMBLY article No. 82747. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
cylinder cover XJFH-5/35-2019
Punching oil seal 119x 85 T3201030 55
Punching spring washer assembly 75x 5 T3201030511
Centering roller 90 T23031532
Pressure roller 90 T423031532
Accumulator 100 MB01100
Lubricating oil filter assembly 255x150x127 T23031600
Tachometer 0-250rpm 0-10V 40050090
Pressure gauge 0-60KN.m//45Klb 0-10V 45Klb45Klb, two scales 0-10V 40050091
7-pin connector 10A DT01220000
Slip oil filter for transmissions 115115G YQ0204056
Friction disc 138x80x14 W0605001W0605001
Gear 83.5x37.5 T754020207
Transmission filter Fax100x100
Hydraulic filter F63-Hx63x10
Ball valve small roller F40 / 22x26 (China) T7540202016
Speed indicator 50050090 (China) 40050090
Punching pipe assembly T3201030500
Distributor gear of air winch XJFH5/35-1000 assy
Repair Kit, -Complete, lower article № 30177550-2. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
Repair Kit, - Complete, upper article № 30177549-2. catalog M611002660-SPL-001
pneumoengine air winch XJFH-5/35, load capacity 5 t
XJFH-5/35-3007 clutch lever
Gasket XJFH-5/35-1016
Blowout preventer repair kit DQ20B WB05B108
BOP seal set 108/84 MB05B108
Tilting ring cylinder seal set 80/50 MB04080
Liquid cylinder seal set IBOP 63/36 MB05063
Ring 250t W03250096
Spring retaining ring hole D = 68 B11068
Liquid cylinder IBOP 147x260 40B0202012
Ball valve large pulley 52 T754020201752 T7540202017
Ball valve small pulley 40 T7540202016
Back clamp outer circlip 221/213х7,5 T754020525
Back clamp inner circlip 213/206 х7,5 T754020526
Drill pipe slip 3 1/2" 206 х138х92 T7540205101
Drill rod plate 5" 206 х138х70 T754020510А1
Drill pipe guide ring 3 1/2" 208/150х36 T754020528B
China Hedele Energy Equipment Co., Ltd
Pipe clamp sealing pin 38х284 lkz CDG 2004,2005 T754020512
Stud pinching nail T754020505 10х64х25T754020505 10х64х25
Pressure plate 8х60х22 T754020501
Pipe clamp pin 38х284 T754020506
Dental plate W05120 120х32х13 W05120 120х32х13
Pipe clamp plate bolt M14х1.5х50 T754020522
Pipe clamp jaw bolt M14х1.5х58 T754020522
Pipe clamp rocker bolt M14х1.5х72 T754020522
Hexagon round head screw М6х8 B02006020
Gear pump HGP-3A -F1 4R -2B YB040014
China Resources Motor М2JА80М6Р YB060.54
Air filter EF3-40 YQ0202040100
Radial seal 140х170х15 M09140
Pair of heavy liquid cylinder assembly 328x108 20010104
Complete set of heavy cylinder seals MB07080
Radial seal 210 M09210
Center tube 85х185 T320103054
Seal 23444-01-72
Gasket Н20625
SK-8N07G Electric Torque Sensor (8B06FG)
100-6695 RING-PISTON
SK-8Y24A Suspended Heavy Pressure Sensor (8B06FG)
Seal Н2564-4
Gasket 10399-46-1
Shaft H20612-02-33
230-3728 FKM (90) O-RING
Seal Н22451-1A
Seal H7496-253
294-1748 BEARING
SK-8B06FG pumping sensor (8B06FG)
100-6694 RING-PISTON
Seal H19110-72
230-3775 SEAL-O-RING
Mechanical seal oil SB68J0044
Sealing bush A459.46
Main bearing A459a.39
Central tube A459a.2
Bearing 2007934 GB297-84
Oil seal PD170h200h16 HG4-692-67
Insulating ring A459a.34
Upper bushing A459a.28
O-ring A459.17
Spring washer A459.16
Upper sealing ring A459a.18
Exhaust gasket A459.19.0
Шкив Hg 15-03
Подшипник 20938 Е
Прокладка подшипника YG225-05
Upper pressure cover A459.20
Discharge pipe A459a.21
Bottom pressure cover A459.9
Lower box gland A459a.22
Sealing ring A459.23
Sealing ring A459.24
Sealing ring A459.26
Drilling mud umbrella A459.27
Bearing 32130 GB283-81
Bottom sleeve A459a.45A
Oil seal PD160h200h16 HG4-692-67
Gasket A459.a.3
Пылезащитное кольцо YG225-06-00
Кольцо 230х7.0 GB3452.1-80
Кольцо 200х5, 3 ГБ3452.1-80
Маслёнка М10х1 GB1152-79
Открытый штифт 5х40 GB91-86
Кольцо 70х3, 1 ГБ1235-760
Пружина GB93-87
Swivel for air and water SD-00E Winch JC21D
J-ring 100HG-332-66
O-ring 105х3.1 GB1253-76
O-ring 40х3.1 GB1253-76
Friction disc GH3161-05.15 (G)
Bushing cylinder, D=140 GH3161-05.21 (G)
Bushing cylinder, D=150 GH3161-05.21 (G)
Bushing cylinder, D=160 GH3161-05.21 (G)
Bushing cylinder, D=170 GH3161-05.21 (G)
Spacer GH3161-28.06 (G)
Nut GH3161-05.32.00 (G)
Sealing two-sided 5"х6.25"х0.625"
Diaphragm GH161-27.03.00 (G)
Gear pump 2S 32PL
Valve assy GH3161-05.11.00 (G)
Valve spring GH161-05.10 (G)
Valve GH3161-28.04 (G)
Cap, valve GH161-05.13 (G)
O-ring 125х7.0 GB/T3452.1-1992
O-ring 65х3.1 GB1253-76
O-ring 75х5.7 GB1253-76
O-ring 95х3.1 GB1253-76
Relief valve QF514
O-ring 35х3.1 GB1235-76
Piston assy GH3161-28.03.00 (G)
PU piston D=140 GH3161-05.24.00 (G)
PU piston D=150 GH161-05.24.00 (G)
PU piston D=160 GH3161-05.24.00 (G)
PU piston D=170 GH3161-05.24.00 (G)
Socket assy GH3161-05.04.00 (G)
Grease seal GH3161-04.05 (G)
Seat valve GH3161-05.11.11
Stud GH3161-28.11 (G)
Fluid end assy AH130101050100
Seal ring GH3161-05.12 (G)
Seal ring GH3161-05.08 (G)
Seal ring GH3161-05.31 (G)
Seal ring GH3161-05.14 (G)
Rod, piston GH3161-05.18 (G)
Rod, piston GH3161-28.05 (G)
Complete Dead Line Anchor JZG34A, 12 Line
Complete Dead Line Anchor JZG41, 12 Line
Screw: 890.164) - 32 x 1/2 ANSI/ASMEB 18.6.3-2003
NamePlate NB800M.11
Sleeve Main Bearing (right) NB800M.02.02
Seal Gasket NB800M.02.03
Insider Retainer NB800M.02.04
Outside Retainer NB800M.02.05.00
Rod NB800M.02.06
Spacer Ring NB800M.02.13
Bolt Main Bearing: 2-1/4 - 8UN - 3A NB800M.02.14
Shim Set NB800M.02.15.00
Sleeve Main Bearing (left) NB800M.02.16
Locking Wire : SZ - 1.50 GB/T343-1994
Bolts: 5/8-11 x 4-3/4 NB800M.02.20
Bolts: 5/8-11 x 4 NB800M.02.21
Locking Wire : SZ - 3.00 GB/T343-1994
Eccentric Bearing: NUP464775 Q4/C9YA4 NB800M.02.22
Main Bearing: 23148/C3W33 NB800M.02.23
Anaerobic Adhesive for Thread Locking and Sealing 242
Scuff Sleeve NB800M.03.03
End Cover NB800M.03.04
Seal Gasket NB800M.03.05
Seal Gasket NB800M.03.07
Baffle Plate NB800M.03.08
Bearing Sleeve NB800M.03.09
Seal Gasket NB800M.03.10
Oil Seal: 7.625" x 9.125" x 0.625" NB800M.03.12
Cylindrical Roller Bearing: NU3036X2M/C4 NB800M.03.13
Crosshead NB800M.04.01
Slide Upper NB800M.04.02
Double Lip: 4" x 5" x 0.5" NB800M.04.04
Oil Seal Ring NB800M.04.05
Stuffing Box NB800M.04.06
End Cover NB800M.04.08
Rod NB800M.04.09
Mud Guard Plate NB800M.04.10